Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Gay marriage and how its a kin to beastiality, a Christian perspective.

For those of you out there in internet land who are either from Mildura or have ever read the letters to the editor section of a University newspaper anywhere in our great big country, you will be all too familiar with Dr. Arnold Jago.

Dr. Jago, apart from being a very well respected General Practitioner, is a fundamentalist Christian who is an avid letter writer to local, university and national newspapers. (Something we do have in common… the letter writing that is, not Christianity) The letters range in content, from how morally wrong homosexuality is, to how anti-Christian homosexuality is and sometimes for something totally different he will throw in a letter about how bad it is for people to be homosexuals... you see where I am going with this, yes?

With the large amount of discussion currently happening around same sex marriage and the ALP changing their tune on the issue, Dr. Jago today has written to the ‘Sunraysia Daily’ newspaper with this absolute corker of a letter, drawing parallels between the marriage of a man and his dog and same sex marriage.

Need I say anymore?  Happy Reading:

“More than just man's best friend”
20 Dec, 2011 04:00 AM
THE other day, Brisbane Times newspaper reported the marriage of a man, Joseph Guise, and his dog, Honey, in Toowoomba, Queensland, on November 30, 2011:
“Thirty of the couple’s closest friends and family were in attendance for the emotional ceremony, held at dusk”.
“You’re my best friend and you make every part of my day better,” Mr. Guise’s vows read.
(www.brisbanetimes.com.au /Queensland/Toowoomba-man-marries -dog-20101201-18g5o.html)
At present, most people would not want the law to recognise such a “marriage”.
But anybody who supports same-sex marriage is logically obliged to support man-animal marriage.
For those who don’t believe in Natural Law (eternal laws written in the heart of every man by God) there are no absolutes – nothing is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. Our guide to behavior can only be to do whatever turns us on.
This is the perverse world, which the Australian Labor Party and their friends, the Greens, plan for your children to live in.

Arnold Jago, Mildura.
(Source: Sunraysia Daily, Tuesday 20th December, 2011) 


  1. He did the wonderful thing of becoming a foster parent...however, without saying anything in particular, one of his sons maybe not so happy to read his letters...
